Author: Osip Mandelstam
Cited by
- Anthony Burgess (1)
- IN: Honey for the Bears (1963) Fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: We shall meet again in Petersburg, as though we had buried the sun.
FROM: We shall meet again, in Petersburg, (1922), Poem, Russia
- Laurent Binet (2)
- IN: Hhh II (2009) Fiction, French
EPIGRAPH: Once again, the writer stains the tree of History with his thoughts, but it is not for us to find the trick that would enable us to put the animal back in its carrying cage.
FROM: The End of the Novel, (1928), Essay, Russia
- IN: HHhH (2010) Fiction, French
EPIGRAPH: Once again, the writer stains the tree of History with his thoughts, but it is not for us to find the trick that would enable us to put the animal back in its carrying cage.
FROM: The End of the Novel, (1928), Essay, Russia
- Gene Wolfe (1)
- IN: The Sword of the Lictor (1981) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Into the distance disappear the mounds of human heads.
I dwindle — go unnoticed now.
But in affectionate books, in children’s games,
I will rise from the dead to say: the sun!
FROM: NULL, (1937), Poem, Russia
- Jorge Volpi (1)
- IN: Season of Ash (2006) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: There are women born in a moist earth.
Each of their steps is a sonorous sob,
and their vacation is to accompany the dead
and to be the first to greet those who come back to life.
FROM: Voronezh Notebooks, (1937), Book, Russia
- Roger Pulvers (1)
- IN: Star Sand (2016) Fiction, Australian
EPIGRAPH: Centuries surround me with fire.
FROM: Verses on the Unknown Soldier, (1937), Poem, Russia